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Captura de Tela 2021-11-30 às 17.41.50.png

The KITECOAT Project arose from architect and sailor Alexandre Rezende's concern with the life cycle of his kitesurfing equipment. To get this project off the ground, the Universe brought him his partner in the KITECOAT Project and partner in life, the curious about innovations and publicist Paula Lagrotta, from this union the project was conceived and has the form it has today. 

We are an upcycling brand: a project to reuse materials from unused kitesurfing kites that are transformed into jackets. Fashion, design, sport? More than that, we believe that good memories can be the soul of a product made from reuse.


Our production chain is circular. We receive donations of kites from schools, store owners and kitesurfers, who instead of storing their equipment that is no longer usable, send it to the project, so that it can be transformed into jackets and given a new purpose.

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Captura de Tela 2021-11-30 às 17.15.54.png

Each kite that arrives at the project is photographed so that the jacket's modeling uses different nylon parts, forming a unique pattern. Often, when the creative process involves a practitioner, he participates in this “assembly”, co-creating his jacket and deciding details for the sleeves, hood and other details that will preserve the visual memory of the kite from which it was produced.


For all this, each Kitecoat produced receives a “tag”, which tells its story. Where the kite came from, the places it sailed, interesting facts, as well as the original model and year of manufacture. This is the way to make the useful life cycle of materials concrete and engage people in the incredible movement that the circular economy can promote.


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